
Amanda My name’s Amanda Muledy, and at my soul, I’m a reader. I’ve spent much of my professional life as an editor, but for the last few years, I’ve been co-running of Hit Subscribe, a content marketing business for tech companies that my husband and I created.

In my spare time, I draw, travel, lift heavy stuff, research rocks and minerals, listen to raucous music, cross stitch, of course, read furiously.

Want to chat? Comment on one of my posts. I’ve blown up most of my social media accounts, but I’ll be happy to engage you here.

3 responses to “About

  1. Dear Amanda, greetings from Walla Walla, WA, from Richard M-K! I am so glad I found you. What a magnificent site you have! I love the entry about “Mont Blanc”–a favorite poem that has made me want to visit the place. In fact, when asked where I would want to spend the turn to the new millennium, I selected Mont Blanc because of the poem–but I’ve never made it there.

    Anyway, that’s not why I’m writing. I thought of you when I received the March issue of my favorite music magazine, MOJO from England, and it had The Cure on the cover and a CD tribute to The Cure. I remember that it was you who turned me on to their music and you who burned a copy of *Disintegration* for me. Probably every one of your friends has already written to you about this, but if not, snag a copy of the March issue and revel in it: https://www.mojo4music.com/magazine/latest-issues/mojo-328-march-2021-the-cure/

    Hoping that all is well with you, and looking forward to becoming your devoted reader,
    Richard M-K

    • Oh, Professor M-K, what a delight to hear from you! Thank you so much for saying hello and for pointing to the MOJO article that exactly zero of my friends have shared with me. I still love Disintegration and listen to it regularly.

      Thank you also for taking the time to read my dive into Mont Blanc despite having to read endless hot takes on literature as part of your job. I feel like my heart would burst from happiness if I ever got to visit the actual Mont Blanc. I hope you get there.

      If you’d ever like to catch up, my email address is muledyaj at gmail dot com—I’d be delighted to hear more from you. Meanwhile, hope you’re loving life in Walla Walla and things are sparkly and joyous all around for you!


      • Wonderful Amanda, I hope that all is well with you. I was thinking of you–you who introduced me to the music of The Cure and gave me your own personally Cure-rated disc of *Disintegration* + bonus tracks!–as I read through, finally, slow reader that I am, the March 2021 issue of MOJO magazine. It has Robert Smith on the cover and “a 16 page celebration” of The Cure, including MOJO’s ranking of “The 30 Greatest Cure Songs.” I am guessing that every friend of yours has long since sent you copies of the magazine, bot on the off chance that they haven’t, I am sending this little note to see if you want me to send the article to you.In the meanwhile, I am listening my way through the 30 greatest…

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